“I want to see a future where no family has to lose someone they love to brain cancer”
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The Brain Cancer Centre is bringing together the best and brightest research minds with a single focus.
Founded by Carrie’s Beanies 4 Brain Cancer and established in partnership with WEHI with support from the Victorian Government, we’re bringing together over 60 researchers from 16 collaborative partners, leading hospitals, universities and research institutes from across Australia. All working towards a shared vision: that one day no lives are lost to brain cancer.
We’re on a mission to build a brighter future for brain cancer patients.
The Brain Cancer Centre is the culmination of your generosity and support. Thank you to every person who bought a beanie, held a fundraiser or donated. Your support means these brilliant researchers can improve patient outcomes NOW and in the future.
Many Minds. One Focus.
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2020 Beanies

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Brain Cancer

The Statistics

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Currently there is no cure
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80% of patients diagnosed with brain cancer will die within 5 years
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Brain cancer kills more children in this country than ANY other disease
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Survival rates haven't changed in 30 years
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Brain cancer kills more people under the age of 40 than any other cancer
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One Australian is diagnosed with brain cancer every 5 hours
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Since 2015 you've helped us raise over $24 million!

But we need to do more… The only way to improve survival rates is through more research.
We can’t do this without you!

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Our aim is to ensure as much money as possible gets into the hands of researchers working to find a cure. We keep our admin costs incredibly low, less than 4% of overall revenue.

We can't do it without your support
Meet our fundraisers

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